The SIDC's Capital Market Competency Management System (CMS)

An innovative online industry-wide utility platform that centralises the ICF, assessment and development activities on the common hub.

The CMS provides individuals with the tools to self-diagnose their capability levels benchmarked against industry standards and further apply development interventions which can be self-directed.

The CMS is NOT

1.   A replacement for existing organisation performance management assessment or industry level technical / functional certifications.

2.   A compulsory assessment to determine individual acceptability or promotability in a role.


The Industry Competency Framework (ICF)

A repository of the Malaysian capital market competency framework where the model comprises four (4) competency types, 61 competency titles, 5 proficiency levels and 173 generic job roles across the main regulated activities.

The Self Assessment Tool

An assessment and a report of competency readiness against the relevant ICF competencies for a given job role. It uses the situational judgement test approach and a robust algorithm to determine the level of competency.

The Development Advisor

A personalised development guide generated based on the individual's self-assessment report. The development advisor not only identifies training courses, but a holistic development plan for the individual, which includes:

  Reflect & Develop
Offers suggestions on actions that the individual can take to apply the behaviour and enhance his/her ability to demonstrate the specific competencies identified for a given job role.

  Training & Courses
Lists specific courses relevant to the competency to be addressed.

  Mind Boosters
Dive in for deeper insights on what an identified competency entails through our list of suggested reading materials and e-learning materials including videos and podcasts.

  On-the-Job Activities
Highlights on-the-job activities or practical assignments that can be applied to enhance the identified competency to be developed.


1.   Repository for capital market training providers providing ICF-aligned courses

2.   Records the baseline industry competency benchmark – COMING SOON!

3.   Provides capital market intermediaries a dashboard of their employees competency proles

4.   Links ICF-aligned courses listed by the SIDC and approved CMS registered training providers to participants' individual development plan for indications of interest


A benefit-driven platform designed for Malaysian Capital Market professionals and just about anyone aspiring to have a career in the capital market or a change in job role.


Current or aspiring licensed (CMSRL) or registered persons (Compliance Officers, ERP, Marketing Representatives or Trading Representatives), employees working in the front, middle or back office or in management, professional or supporting roles, students or graduates.

  • Open and conveniently accessible
  • Independent assessment of competencies for a current/aspired job role
  • Specific training courses at the appropriate proficiency levels can be quickly and comprehensively identified to address gaps
  • Provides learning and development interventions beyond training courses
  • Personalised and comprehensive Development Advisor allows individual to better plan and structure their learning and development for a nominal fee

Human Resources, People Development, Training personnel or Compliance Officers in a capital market intermediary or organisation

A holistic, objective, time-efficient, cost-effective assessment tool capable of augmenting or even replacing the traditional training needs analysis (TNA)

  • Able to identify competency levels and link to a detailed and personalised development plan for the individual employee, specific groups of employees and in very large numbers
  • Not only enables a company to determine the competency development of employees to achieve organisational goals or strategic objectives through training. It also allows employers access to the baseline capital market industry competency benchmark – COMING SOON!

Training Providers (Institutions, Training Firms, Training Organisations, Companies that provides training and development programmes)

  • Able to link training courses to specific Individual Development Advisors reports
  • Market training courses to Individual Users (about 1000) and Corporate Users from the capital market industry
  • Design, develop and deliver fit-for-purpose learning and development programmes to address specific competency and/ or a group of specific competency gaps

How to Register and Start Assessment (for Individual Users)
Step 1
Create account under Register Now
Step 2
Receive email to activate account
Step 3
Complete Profile
Step 4
Purchase Assessment Voucher
Step 5
Choose Regulated Activity, Role Cluster and Job Role. Begin Assessment
Step 6
Complete Self-Assessment Set (complete at least one (1) Competency Type to view reports)
Step 7
View Self-Assessment Report and the Development Advisor Report
How to Register and View Reports (for Corporate Users)
Step 1
Create account under Register Now
Step 2
Receive email to activate account
Step 3
Complete Profile
Step 4
Purchase Assessment Voucher(s)
Step 5
View Standard Reports
How to Register and List Courses (for Training Providers)
Step 1
Create account under Register Now
Step 2
Receive email to activate account and approval on TP registration
Step 3
Complete Profile
Step 4
Submit Course Application
Step 5
Once application approved, proceed to payment
Step 6
View Standard Reports and Interest Count
Fees and Benefits
Please refer to the Terms of Service

Are there separate accesses for corporate users/employers and individual users? What are the fees applicable?
The CMS has three (3) different types of accesses/accounts. It may be accessed by Individual Users, Corporate Users (employers) and Training Providers. Please refer to the Fees and Benefits table in the Terms of Service for details of the different accounts, fees and types of access.
Can an individual have two (2) different CMS accounts simultaneously ie. a 'Corporate User' as well as 'Individual User' account?
A person may be registered as a Corporate User and an Individual User in the CMS provided the individual uses different email addresses for each profile.
Is the CMS open to the public or is it restricted to persons licensed or registered with the Securities Commission Malaysia?
The CMS is open and accessible to the public and is NOT restricted to licensed or registered persons. You will have to create an account as an Individual User and purchase the Assessment Voucher to be able to take the Self-Assessment.
Do employers have to be a Capital Market Services Licence (CMSL) holder or Registered Person to have access to the CMS?
The CMS is open and accessible to all types of Corporate Users. Please refer to the Fees and Benefits table in the Terms of Service for further details.
Will employer(s) have access to their employees' self- assessment results?
Employers may have access to their employees' self assessment results if they register as a Corporate User and purchase vouchers for the Self-Assessment set for their respective employees.
As a Corporate User, what will I have access to?
Please refer to the Fees and Benefits in the Terms of Services for Corporate User(s) for further details.
Is there a limit to the number of vouchers that can be purchased by a Corporate User/Individual User?
There is no limit to the number of vouchers that can be purchased. Please refer to the Terms of Service for the voucher validity period.
How frequently can an individual take the Self-Assessment test?
The Individual User must purchase a voucher for every Individual Assessment test he/she takes. Therefore, there is no limit to the frequency for an Individual User to take the Self- Assessment test which as long as he/she purchases a voucher.
How much time is provided to complete a Self-Assessment Set?
The Individual User will have to complete the Self-Assessment Set within three (3) months from the date the voucher is redeemed.
Is there a cooling-off period for an Individual User who has completed one Self-Assessment set before he/she can take another Self- Assessment set?
No, there is no cooling-off period for an Individual User who has completed one Self-Assessment set before he/she takes another Self-Assessment set.
Once a Self-Assessment set is completed and an assessment report is produced, how long is this report valid for (if it is going to be used by a prospective employer)?
From the system perspective, the assessment report will remain in the system and be accessible to the Individual Users and the Corporate Users. However, it is advisable for the Individual/Corporate Users to save a copy to their own device for future references. If it is going to be used by a prospective employer, generally, an assessment will be valid between 12 to 18 months.
If I have completed the Self-Assessment for one (1) job role and am interested to know my competency levels for another job role, what should I do?
You are allowed to take the Self-Assessment for another job role. All you would need to do is to purchase another voucher to take the Self-Assessment test for your next identified job role.
Are the questions/assessment the same for a dealer with two (2) years experience as compared to a dealer of six (6) years experience?
The Self-Assessment Test will be based on the job roles. However, the response will indicate the proficiency levels.
What about job roles for support/back-office/middle office functions, are they covered by the CMS Self-Assessment?
Certain support/back-office/middle office functions are covered in the ICF, hence these job roles will be covered in the CMS. However, currently, the ICF job roles do not include Finance, HR and IT, but, SIDC may consider these roles for the ICF review in the near future.
Can the CMS be utilised to assess the job roles of commercial bankers?
Currently, it is not specific to a commercial banker role, however, users are advised to choose from the ICF job roles that can best match the description of the commercial banking role including roles related to the Employees of Registered Persons (ERP). SIDC may consider expanding the job roles for the ICF review.
Are there any reading materials available for the Self-Assessment?
The Self-Assessment test is not an examination but more of a situational judgement test, therefore there are no specific reading materails.
Is the CMS Self-Assessment benchmarked against Malaysian capital market standards only or expanded to international standards?
The CMS is designed and developed based on the ICF, therefore the focus is for the Malaysian capital market first.
Is registration as a Corporate User/Individual User mandatory for the CMSL/CMSRL or RP/ERP?
Registration is not mandatory for the CMSL/CMSRL nor the RP/ERP. It is also not mandatory for the CMSRL or ERP to take the Self- Assessment survey.
Can an Individual User who has registered with the CMS, purchase and assign vouchers to other Individual Users?
The Individual User can purchase a voucher and assign the voucher code to another Individual User. However, the Individual User who purchased the voucher code will NOT be able to view the results/report of the assessment done by the other person. This means that the assessment belongs to the other person, not the purchaser.
Can the CMSRL/ERP claim CPE points if he/she completes the Self-Assessment?
The Self-Assessment is one of the activities under the self-directed learning mode, which allows up to a maximum of 5 CPE points.
What is the difference between the CMS and the CPE?
The CMS is an industry utility platform where the public (including capital market employees) can, on a voluntary basis take a self-rated online assessment that provides a view of work-related tendencies/actions as well as a personalised development guide that includes relevant trainings and courses to address competency gaps. On the other hand, the CPE is a mandatory requirement for capital market professionals to consistently update or refresh their technical knowledge, enhance behavioural competencies as well as to instil ethical standards as expected in the SC's Licensing Handbook and the Guidelines on Investor Protection (IP Guidelines) jointly issued by the SC and BNM.
As a Training Provider, if my registration and courses are approved for the CMS, does that mean I am recognised as a CPE Training Provider?
The Training Provider must still apply to be a CPE Training Provider separately through the CPE Secretariat to be recognised as a CPE Training Provider.
Can the CMS be integrated into any of the SC related platforms (ie. ELA )?
The CMS is an industry utility platform and not a regulatory monitoring/reporting platform of the SC. Therefore, currently the CMS is a stand-alone web-based portal. However, SIDC will explore possibilities with the SC to integrate the CMS to the ELA and other related systems.
Can the Individual User view and download the Self- Assessment Report and/or the Development Advisor Report if he/she has not completed the Self-Assessment set?
The Individual User will need to complete at least one (1) Competency Type (e.g. all the assessment scenarios covering the Core Competencies) to be able to view and download the Self- Assessment Report and/or the Development Advisor Report. Corporate Users can only have access to their employees Self-Assessment Report if the employee has completed answering the Self-Assessment for all competency types.
Can my employer use my Self-Assessment results for performance management or promotion?
The CMS is not to entirely to replace existing performance management assessment of industry level certifications. Neither is it a compulsory assessment to determine individual acceptability or promotability in a role.
How often will the items in the Development Advisor be updated?
The Development Advisor interventions are constantly updated particularly the Trainings and Courses. The other interventions will be updated at least twice a year.
How are the competency gaps identified from the Self-Assessment linked to the development/learning interventions available?
Development opportunities are pre-mapped to the competency gaps.
Will the Development Advisor recommend trainings be conducted online or directed to external training providers?
Will CPE be awarded for attendance of these trainings? The Development Advisor will recommend 4 different types of developmental/learning interventions including relevant Training and Courses provided by SIDC and other training providers registered on the CMS. The Training and Courses recommended may be on-line or face-to-face programmes. The recommended training in the CMS may not necessarily be CPE approved training therefore please check with the CPE Secretariat or the SC's Authorisation and Licensing Department to ascertain whether the programme is CPE approved.
Would AMLA training be part of the development/learning interventions made available in the Development Advisor?
Yes, AMLA is a prescribed competency in the ICF and hence is covered in the CMS were relevant particularly in Trainings and Courses.
Will the Development Advisor be linked to the Training Providers' website and can the Individual User automatically register for a scheduled course?
Currently, the Development Advisor is not linked to any third-party Training Provider website. However, Training Providers are allowed to list their courses in the CMS subject to the Terms of Service. Individual Users may click on the training and courses listed on the CMS to indicate their interest.
Can we take the Self- Assessment anonymously?
You would have to provide your name, NRIC/Passport number and e-mail address to register as an Individual User before making payment for a voucher to begin the Self-Assessment. However, SIDC will process all your personal data in accordance to the Privacy Policy set out in the Terms of Service.
If I register as an Individual User will my personal details be required to be disclosed in the system. With regards to individual or company information, does CMS process the data in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (PDPA 2010)?
The Individual User will be required to fill-in his/her personal details, professional profile and employment history, however, unless they have obtained vouchers to take the Self-Assessment from their employers as a Corporate User, information and results of their Self Assessment will only be accessible by SIDC. SIDC will process the data in accordance with the Privacy Policy set out in the Terms of Service.
What is the technical requirement e.g. IE minimum requirement to access CMS?
Although the CMS is accessible on multiple devices, it is best viewed using a laptop/PC and Chrome.
Did you find these FAQs helpful?
We would like to hear from you. Please provide your comments or further enquiries to the CMS Secretariat at sidccms@sidc.com.my