Industry Competency Framework (ICF) the first framework in the Malaysian capital market, covering a total of 173 job roles, 61 competencies titles and across the seven main regulated activities. Overall, the ICF sets out in detail the required knowledge, skills and attributes (behavioural) for all seven regulated capital market activities.

1. Meeting the needs of the industry

Determining and setting minimum competencies requirements to enter the capital market.

Establishing proficiency levels to facilitate the continuous development of competencies and capacity building.

Facilitation the development of career pathways for capital market professionals.

2. Shaped along the following principles

Industry Driven

Globally Benchmarked

Forward Looking

3. Across eight Regulated Capital Market Activities – including compliance & back-office functions:
  • Dealing in Securities
  • Dealing in Derivatives
  • Fund Management
  • Advising on Corporate Finance
  • Investment Advice
  • Financial Planning
  • Dealing in Private Retirement Schemes
  • Clearing for Securities or Derivatives
4. Defined and Documented

In the Competency Dictionary, with the competencies related to the Roles identified along with their associated required competency level (RCL) assigned and reflected in the Competency Mapping Matrix.

The Rationale Behind The Logo

An amalgam of dark blue and yellow, orange-hued stripes encasing a globe, the logo’s stripes converge down the middle, working in tandem to symbolise the balance of optimism, intellect and intellectual capacity in achieving competency.

The positioning of the words “Industry Competency Framework” in the middle symbolise that the ICF does not “break” the circle, rather it completes it, thus reinforcing that the ICF is for the capital market and industry.

Benefits of the Industry Competency Framework

1. Industry

Minimum entry and required standards for each regulated activity

Establish proficiency levels to facilitate the continuous development of competencies and capacity building

Facilitate the development of career pathways for capital market professionals

2. Organisation

Establish criteria for ease of hiring and selection

Encourage development of critical knowledge, skills and behaviours

Identify training and development needs from job entry level

Identify development needs for career and succession planning

Clarify performance expectations and focus coaching and development initiatives on desired behaviours

3. Professional

Identify knowledge, skills and attributes (behavioural) required for own job

Chart a career pathways

Identify own development requirements