Competency Title:

Sustainable and Responsible Investment Products

Competency Type:


Competency Description

The competency refers to the ability to understand the criteria, metrics and the guiding principles relevant to sustainable and responsible investment (SRI) products. The scope includes the application of sustainability principles in the development, selection, evaluation, and management of SRI products, and the ability to align these with the organisation’s and client’s sustainability goals

Level 1 - Awareness

Level 1

• Identify the criteria and metrics for sustainable and responsible investment (SRI) products
• List sustainable and responsible investment (SRI) products available in the Malaysian capital market
• Identify authoritative bodies that issue or govern sustainability standards
• Identify the relevant sustainability reporting frameworks, standards, and regulations
Level 2 - Knowledge

Level 2

• Explain the different sustainable and responsible investment (SRI) approaches
• Summarise the characteristics of sustainable and responsible investment (SRI) products
• Explain the different approaches outlined in the taxonomy and standards of a sustainable and responsible investment (SRI)
• Outline the sustainability reporting requirements relevant to sustainable and responsible investment (SRI) products issuance
Level 3 - Skill

Level 3

• Apply key SRI concepts, principles, and practices in the in the development, selection, evaluation, and management of the capital market product
• Identify types of sustainable and responsible (SRI) products that best serve specific investment objectives
• Apply recognised taxonomy and standards in the structuring and offering of sustainable and responsible investment products
• Review and validate client’s sustainability reports against regulatory requirements and industry standards
Level 4 - Mastery

Level 4

• Determine factors to consider in assessing capital market products against sustainability principles and goals
• Recommend sustainable and responsible investment (SRI) products that meet client’s strategy and expectations
• Establish and maintain product structuring and offering procedures in alignment with sustainability requirements
• Advise clients on sustainability reporting strategy and approach in compliance with regulatory requirements
Level 5 - Expert

Level 5

• Evaluate capital market products to ensure compliance with sustainability requirements
• Develop strategy which includes sustainable and responsible investment (SRI) products to meet client’s requirements
• Evaluate product structures for sustainability compliance and advise on improvements to meet sustainability requirements
• Evaluate effectiveness of sustainability disclosures and reporting to refine client’s sustainability reporting and approach